So do you want to spend the rest of your life waiting for that “special” moment, that “golden” opportunity, “when you have more money/car/house/boat/property,” or “when you have six-pack abs, larger biceps, slimmer waistline, narrower hips, muscular-etched chest, purely-defined butt?” We’ve all been and there are some of us who continue to procrastinate.
Remember the games you play? The board games, for example. I remember throughout my childhood and continuing through my adult life, seeing my dad playing dominoes. The concept was to score and not be left with many points in your hand if someone else should “domino” before you. If you’ve ever experienced seeing some of the older generation participating in this game you’ll understand. I remember these guys slamming the table with their domino when they would score, “Gimme ten, Gimme fifteen, Gimme 20!!” The excitement in hearing them would raise the thrill inside of you and interest in the game. The same is true when either you play ball games or witness them on TV while cheering for your favorite. We’ve all felt that we were a part of it and were given the opportunity to share.
Life is all about scoring. Whether it’s a small win, large win…it’s knowing that you’re moving in a progressive direction. First and foremost is being honest with yourself. Often times we get caught up in the excitement of having others praise and admiration rather than looking within, in doing so we are allowing others to define us. I’m here to tell you there have been many times when I have been touted as one of the hottest salsa dancers in the privacy of my bathroom in front of my imaginary audience!
The lesson from the dominoes is you are dealt a hand, how you play those dominoes will determine your outcome. It’s not always about the winning but what is learned along the way and most importantly, “Who do you become?”