Lost My Keys??

On September 8, 2012, in Personal Development Coaching, by Bob

Yesterday I was in a hurry to leave the house. Couldn’t find my keys, searched in all the usual familiar places.

My good friend and coaching peer, Kyle Pertuis defines it best: “Life Coaching is about assisting individuals in identifying ways to remove the barriers to their success and help them tap into the latent potential that exists in everyone. Fairly simple don’t you think!

I am not here to tell you what to do, solve all of your problems or give you worldly advice and answers to how you can live the rest of your life without any concerns or challenges– In fact I am here to help you find the answers that already reside within you and empower you to think differently, feel differently and therefore behave differently and more in line with your core purpose.”

Often times we become “stuck” when looking for answers to challenges in life however fail to search in areas that are unfamiliar. Many of our challenges arise from limiting beliefs that we have developed through experiences in life and the interpretations we attach to these experiences.

Tony Robbins states, “Beliefs are either the keys to our freedom, or they can also become the giant locks to the prison that keeps us from achieving what we want.” Just when it seems impossible, when it seems like nothing is going to work, we’re usually just a few millimeters from making it happen.

Just when I was about to give up searching for my keys, I glanced down at the clinched fist of my left hand and there they were!! For those few moments I was “stuck” in ONLY searching in the areas that were familiar. Let me partner with you in helping you to unlock those areas that haven’t been discovered.


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